Redefining Greatness: Jesus' Call to Humility and Service

One Church Huntington Beach  

Pastor Caleb Clark

October 6, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed


  •  Luke, chapter 22.

    • Briefly explain the Gospel of Luke and its place in the Bible as the third of four accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.

  • Series Overview: "Jesus, Lord of All"

    • Recap the focus of the sermon series on Jesus' mission to reconcile all aspects of life to Himself.

    • Mention previous weeks' discussions on Jesus addressing societal cornerstones such as money and politics.

    • Introduce today’s topic: how Jesus redefines greatness, a key virtue our culture pursues, by turning it upside down.

The World's Understanding of Greatness (Luke 22:24-25)

  • Context of the Dispute:

    • The disciples argue about who among them is the greatest as they walk with Jesus, revealing their human desires for status.

    • Their argument mirrors society's obsession with competition and ranking.

  • The World's Definition:

    • Jesus identifies the world’s view of greatness: power and domination.

    • He uses the kings of the Gentiles as an example, highlighting how they "exercise lordship" and dominate those beneath them.

    • This reflects our modern understanding of greatness through power, control, and dominance in every sphere – sports, business, and even history (e.g., Alexander the Great).

  • Honor and Status:

    • Jesus adds that those in power are called "benefactors," receiving honor and praise from those they dominate.

    • In the ancient world, titles and honor followed power, and the same is true in modern society, where status is linked to success and domination.

The Kingdom’s Understanding of Greatness (Luke 22:26)

  • A Radical Shift:

    • Jesus turns the disciples' expectations upside down: "Let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves."

    • Instead of domination, greatness in the kingdom starts with humility and service.

  • Humility – The Youngest:

    • Jesus uses the image of a child, symbolizing humility in the ancient world, not as a model of innocence but of lowly status and dependence.

    • True greatness, according to Jesus, begins with understanding one’s smallness and dependence on God, just as a child recognizes their need for care.

  • Service – The Leader Serves:

    • In the kingdom, leadership is not about wielding authority but about serving others.

    • Jesus redefines leadership as a call to put the needs of others first, contrasting the world’s pursuit of honor and status.

Jesus' Example of Greatness (Luke 22:27)

  • Jesus the Servant:

    • Jesus asks a rhetorical question: “Who is greater, the one who reclines at table or the one who serves?” In the world, the one reclining is greater.

    • But Jesus declares, “I am among you as one who serves.” This statement transforms their understanding of Him and His mission.

    • Jesus, who deserves the highest honor, humbles Himself to serve – a model for true greatness.

  • The Cross – The Ultimate Example:

    • Jesus’ ultimate act of greatness is seen in His death on the cross, where He humbly submits to God’s will and serves humanity by taking upon Himself the weight of sin.

    • The cross combines humility and service in the most profound way, offering salvation to all.

  • Our Call to Follow Jesus' Example:

    • As followers of Christ, we are called to give up worldly pursuits of power and honor.

    • Instead, we are called to live humbly and serve others, taking Jesus’ life as our model and His sacrifice as our motivation.

Application: Living Out Kingdom Greatness

  • Giving Up the World’s Pursuit of Greatness:

    • Reflect on areas in life where we seek power, honor, or status. Jesus calls us to lay these down and embrace humility.

  • Growing in Humility and Service:

    • Ask God to reveal ways to grow in humility and service. Whether at work, home, or in church, look for opportunities to serve others as a leader in God's kingdom.

  • Following Jesus’ Example in Daily Life:

    • Lean on the example of Jesus as the ultimate source of fuel for living out kingdom greatness.

    • Allow His life, death, and resurrection to reshape our understanding of success and fulfillment in God’s kingdom.


  • Invitation to the Table:

    • Introduce communion as a time to remember Jesus' sacrifice – His body broken and blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.

    • Explain the significance of the elements and invite those who follow Christ to participate.

    • Encourage reflection on how Jesus’ humility and service on the cross inspire us to pursue kingdom greatness.


  • Prayer:

    • Close with a prayer, asking for God’s help in understanding and living out true greatness as defined by His kingdom. Pray for humility and a heart of service.

Biblical References 

  • Luke 22:24
    "A dispute also arose among them, as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest."

  • Luke 22:25
    "And he said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors.’"

  • Luke 22:26
    "But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves."

  • Luke 22:27
    "For who is the greater, one who reclines at table or one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at table? But I am among you as the one who serves.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what areas of your life do you find yourself striving for worldly greatness, such as power, status, or recognition? How can you shift your focus to align with Jesus' definition of greatness through humility and service?

  2. Jesus mentioned that the leader in His Kingdom is the one who serves. How does this teaching challenge the way you view leadership and influence in your personal, professional, or spiritual life?

  3. Reflect on the example of Jesus serving His disciples and ultimately sacrificing Himself on the cross. How does Jesus’ example of humility and service inspire or convict you in your daily walk with Him?

  4. The disciples argued over who among them was the greatest. In what ways might you find yourself comparing your accomplishments or spiritual journey with others? How does Jesus’ call to humility address this tendency?

  5. Jesus tells His disciples that greatness in His Kingdom looks like becoming "as the youngest" and serving others. What specific steps can you take this week to embody the humility and servant-heartedness Jesus calls us to?

Daily Activities 

1. Serve Someone in Need

  • Activity: Identify a person in your community, workplace, or family who could use assistance. Offer to help them with a practical task, such as running an errand, providing a meal, or offering emotional support.

  • Application: Reflect on how serving others shifts your mindset from seeking personal greatness to embracing humility. Journal your thoughts on how this act of service reflects Jesus' teaching on leadership and greatness.

2. Practice Humility in Conversations

  • Activity: During your next conversation, especially in moments of conflict or debate, consciously choose to listen more than speak. Seek to understand the other person's perspective fully before responding.

  • Application: After the conversation, reflect on how exercising humility impacted the interaction. Consider how this aligns with Jesus’ teaching that the greatest must be like the youngest, practicing servanthood.

3. Evaluate Your Pursuits

  • Activity: Take time this week to write down your personal goals, focusing on your career, relationships, and hobbies. Honestly assess where you may be seeking power, recognition, or status over service and humility.

  • Application: After reflection, identify one area where you can shift your focus from worldly success to kingdom-minded service. Pray for guidance, and note any changes you plan to make.

4. Daily Acts of Service

  • Activity: Commit to performing one act of service each day for the next week, such as helping a coworker with a task, cleaning up at home without being asked, or offering your time to someone in need.

  • Application: Keep a log of your daily acts of service and reflect each evening on how serving others changes your heart toward humility. Consider how these actions bring you closer to living out Jesus' call to greatness through servanthood.

5. Reflect on Jesus’ Sacrifice

  • Activity: Set aside 15-20 minutes of quiet time each day this week to reflect on Jesus’ ultimate act of humility on the cross. During this time, pray and meditate on how His sacrifice can shape the way you serve others.

  • Application: After each reflection, write down one tangible action you can take to follow Jesus’ example of sacrificial love and humility. Implement this action in your interactions with others throughout the week.


Justice in the Kingdom of God


The Politics of Jesus: A Kingdom Beyond This World