Building the Kingdom: Devotion and Community Steps

Solid Rock Church 

Pastor Hunter Bingham 

August 25, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed

Introduction to the Series 

  • Pastor Hunter introduced a new sermon series titled "Building the Kingdom," focusing on what Christians are supposed to be doing in their daily lives.

  • Key Scripture: Acts 2:42-47 was the foundational scripture, highlighting the early church's devotion to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.

Main Points

  • Devotion to Jesus and Community: The early Christians devoted themselves to learning, fellowship, and prayer, which led to awe, wonders, and signs among them.

  • Unity and Generosity: The early church was marked by unity and generosity, sharing possessions and caring for those in need.

  • Daily Worship and Favor: They worshiped daily, both in the temple and in homes, and had favor with all people, leading to the growth of the church.

  • Building the Kingdom: Christians are called to build their lives around devotion to Jesus and the worshiping community, offering an alternative vision of human flourishing.

Practical Steps for Congregation

  • Commit to Sunday Gatherings: Encouragement to regularly attend and participate in Sunday services.

  • Serve on a Team: Opportunities to serve in various ministries, including children's ministry, hospitality, and media.

  • Join a Group: Invitation to join small groups for deeper community and discipleship.

  • Engage in Justice Initiatives: Participation in initiatives like food distribution and foster care support.

  • Be Generous: Encouragement to practice generosity within the church community.

  • Invite Others: Challenge to invite friends and family to church gatherings and events.

  • Vulnerability and Need: Encouragement to bring personal needs to Jesus and the community rather than relying on external solutions.

Leader Installation

  • Installation of New Music Lead: Ab was installed as the new music lead, recognized for his humility, servant heart, and musical gifts.

Action Items

  • Join a Group: Visit the church website to see available groups and sign up.

  • Volunteer for Base Camp Kids: The church is seeking ten new volunteers for the children's ministry.

  • Participate in Justice Initiatives: Sign up online or contact Pastor Michael for opportunities to serve.

  • Consider Generosity: Reflect on personal giving and consider increasing contributions to the church or other causes.

Follow-up Points

  • Welcome Brunch: Scheduled for September 14 at 10:00 AM for newcomers to learn more about the church.

  • Child Dedication: Scheduled for September 22 at the end of the gathering.

  • Food for the People Initiative: Taking place at 2:30 PM, with a need for additional volunteers.

Biblical References

  • Colossians 1:13: This verse is mentioned to remind the congregation that Jesus has rescued believers from the domain of darkness and transferred them to His kingdom of light. This forms the foundation for the discussion on the kingdom of God and the call to live as citizens of that kingdom.

  • Acts 2:42-47: The main passage for this sermon, which describes the early church's devotion to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. It highlights how the early Christians lived out their faith in community, shared their resources, and experienced awe and wonder as God added to their number daily.

  • Romans 12:6-8: This passage is cited to encourage the congregation to use their spiritual gifts to serve one another within the church community. It emphasizes that each person has unique gifts given by God to build up the body of Christ.

  • 1 John 1:7: This verse is referenced to underscore the importance of confessing sins and living in the light of God’s truth within the Christian community. It speaks to the healing and forgiveness that come from walking in the light together.


Building The Kingdom: Vision Casting