Building the Kingdom: Growing in Godliness Over Distractions

Solid Rock Church 

Pastor Hunter Bingham  

September 29, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed


  • Warm greeting and acknowledgment of the church community.

  • Reflection on the powerful moment of dedicating children last week.

    • Emphasize that spiritual growth and discipleship are communal responsibilities, not just individual or parental.

  • Transition to today’s topic: Spiritual discipline.

    • The importance of learning and practicing habits that help us relate to God and become more like Jesus.

Our Experience with Discipleship

  • Discuss the common experience of being taught what not to do in discipleship.

    • The value of warnings and biblical guidance in avoiding temptation.

    • Acknowledgment that this approach often lacks guidance on what to do.

  • Highlight the need to focus on building a good, godly life, not just avoiding pitfalls.

    • Our goal is to give the next generation a balanced and more complete experience of discipleship.

James Clear’s Insight from "Atomic Habits"

  • Introduce the concept that habits, good or bad, serve a purpose in our lives.

    • Highlight that simply cutting out bad habits without replacing them leads to unmet needs.

  • Emphasize the need for positive redirection: replacing bad habits with godly ones.

  • Connect this to our spiritual journey: We need guidance not just on avoiding sin but on embracing godly practices.

Transition to Biblical Perspective

  • Highlight the deeper perspective for Christians: Partnering with God to build His kingdom.

  • Key point: Our focus should be on growing in godliness, not getting distracted by lesser pursuits.

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4:7-11

  • Read the passage: "Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather, train yourself for godliness."

  • Discuss the context: Paul’s guidance to Timothy, a young leader in a challenging cultural environment.

Paul’s Three Encouragements to Timothy

  • 1. Don't Get Distracted by Irreverent Myths

    • Ancient world parallels: Various worldviews and philosophies competing for attention.

    • Paul's advice: Be aware but don’t devote yourself to myths or ideologies that lead away from the gospel.

    • Modern application: The world today is full of distracting narratives that pull us away from God's truth.

  • 2. Physical Training vs. Godliness

    • Physical training has value, but godliness holds greater, eternal value.

    • Connection to ancient gymnasiums: Spaces of strength, beauty, and virtue—but focused on the physical.

    • Paul’s point: While physical health is good, our ultimate aim should be spiritual growth and godliness.

  • 3. We Work Hard Because of Our Hope in God

    • Suffering and hard work are part of our journey because our hope is in the living God.

    • We’re called to follow Jesus' example, even when it’s difficult.

Application and Reflection

  • Building the Kingdom Requires Godliness

    • Reiterate the main point: We build God's kingdom by focusing on godliness, not lesser distractions.

  • Shift from Speculation to Scripture

    • Practical step: Prioritize the Bible as your primary source of truth, above other philosophies or ideologies.

    • Engage with the Bible deeply, allowing it to shape your worldview.

  • Reorder Care for Your Body

    • Honor your body but focus on spiritual growth.

    • Find balance: Physical health is important but should never become an idol.

    • Recognize the value of your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

The Example of Jesus and the Scandal of the Incarnation

  • The uniqueness of Jesus: God took on an ordinary human body.

    • Unlike the mythological heroes of the ancient world, Jesus’ power and beauty weren’t based on physical strength or appearance.

    • This teaches us that our value is not in physical perfection but in being made in God’s image.

Practical Takeaways

  • Shift Your Information Source

    • Limit time spent on news, social media, or philosophies that distract from God’s truth.

    • Engage with resources like Bible Project to deepen your understanding of scripture.

  • Reevaluate Your Care for Your Body

    • Recognize that how you treat your body is an act of worship.

    • Make sure that physical training supports, rather than distracts from, your pursuit of godliness.

Invitation to Respond

  • Acknowledge that God invites us to engage with Him and respond in worship.

  • Encourage the congregation to reflect on what God is saying to them today:

    • Are you distracted by ideologies?

    • Are you over or under-prioritizing your physical body?

  • Reiterate: Our hope is in the living God who empowers us to make these shifts and grow in godliness.

Closing Prayer

  • Invite the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen the congregation.

  • Pray for wisdom to discern distractions and the courage to refocus on godliness.

  • Give thanks for God’s patience and grace in helping us grow in Him.

Biblical References 

  • 1 Timothy 4:7-11

    • "Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather, train yourself for godliness. For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end, we toil and strive because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe."

  • Isaiah 53:2

    • "For he grew up before him like a young plant and like a root out of dry ground. He had no form or majesty that we should look at him and no beauty that we should desire him."

Reflection Questions 

  1. What distractions or "irreverent myths" do you find pulling you away from your focus on God and building His kingdom? How can you begin to redirect your attention to what truly matters?

  2. How do you currently view the balance between physical care and spiritual growth? In what ways can you prioritize growing in godliness over other pursuits in your life?

  3. What habits or behaviors in your life might be addressing needs in a way that pulls you away from God? How can you replace these habits with practices that align more closely with your faith?

  4. In what ways have you experienced pressure from culture to conform to its standards of strength, beauty, or success? How can you shift your focus to embrace God's definition of godliness and identity?

  5. What practical steps can you take to make scripture and the story of Jesus your primary source of truth and guidance, rather than allowing cultural ideologies or narratives to shape your identity and purpose?

Daily Activities 

1. Shifting Focus from Distractions to God's Word

  • Activity: Set aside 15 minutes daily to read a passage from the Bible instead of engaging with social media or news.

  • Application: This practice will help you prioritize God's truth over the distractions of worldly narratives, aligning your thoughts and actions with His kingdom.

2. Honoring Your Body as God’s Temple

  • Activity: Incorporate a physical activity, such as a 30-minute walk or exercise session, into your weekly routine.

  • Application: Recognize that caring for your body is an act of worship, helping you maintain physical health that enables you to serve others effectively.

3. Building Godliness through Spiritual Discipline

  • Activity: Commit to a weekly time of prayer and fasting to focus on developing spiritual strength.

  • Application: Fasting and prayer will help you grow in godliness by depending on God’s power, rather than your physical desires, to sustain you.

4. Serving Others with a Kingdom Mindset

  • Activity: Volunteer once a month in a community service project or church outreach program.

  • Application: This will help you live out your discipleship by putting others’ needs before your own, embodying Christ’s sacrificial love.

5. Replacing Negative Habits with Positive Actions

  • Activity: Identify one bad habit in your life and replace it with a God-honoring practice (e.g., replace negative self-talk with daily affirmations of God’s promises).

  • Application: By actively replacing negative habits with positive, God-centered actions, you will experience transformation and align more closely with God's will.


Building the Kingdom: Creating a Healthy Culture Through Christ


Building The Kingdom: Passing the Torch to the Next Generation