Building The Kingdom: Celebration

Solid Rock Church 

Pastor Hunter Bingham  

September 8, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed


  • Celebration of 11 Years as a Church:

    • Acknowledge the importance of 11 years of community and faithfulness.

    • Everyone from long-time members to newcomers is part of the celebration.

    • Reflect on personal memories and how the church has embraced God’s command to celebrate the gospel.

  • Acknowledgement of Struggles:

    • Recognize that life’s difficulties are real for many, and there’s space for both celebration and mourning in the church.

    • Encouragement that God has something for everyone, even in hard times.

Series Focus: Building the Kingdom

  • Purpose of the Series:

    • Focus on the calling of "disciple missionaries."

    • Explore how Christians give their energy, resources, and passion toward building God’s kingdom.

  • Today's Message:

    • Jesus sets us apart for joy and celebration with God and with one another.

    • We build the kingdom not from toil or despair, but from an identity rooted in grace, joy, and celebration.

Scriptural Reflection: Psalm 45:6-8

  • Royal Celebration:

    • Psalm 45 celebrates a royal wedding, highlighting the goodness and joy surrounding the king and his bride.

    • The king is anointed with the "oil of joy," signifying divine gladness.

  • Anointing with Joy:

    • Anointing in ancient times symbolized authority, consecration, or healing.

    • Jesus, as the anointed King, was marked by joy and celebration.

    • Joy is deeply spiritual and rooted in God's reality, not fabricated or superficial.

Jesus’ Ministry of Joy and Restoration

  • Luke 4:16-21:

    • Jesus declares His mission to bring good news, freedom, healing, and God's favor.

    • His ministry is about restoring what is broken and replacing it with joy, beauty, and life.

    • Jesus’ joy is rooted in fulfilling God's work of salvation.

  • Joy in the Bible:

    • Numerous examples of joy throughout scripture: from Moses' deliverance of Israel to the joy of the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection.

    • Joy is a response to God's presence, power, and goodness in our lives.

Implications for Us as Disciple Missionaries

  • New Life with God's Power and Presence:

    • Joy and celebration are not fabricated, but rooted in the reality of God’s love and forgiveness.

    • As Christians, we are forgiven, deeply loved, and chosen by God. This is cause for celebration.

  • Our Destination is Eternal Joy:

    • While grief and mourning have a place now, they will ultimately turn to joy.

    • Eternity with God is like a wedding feast, a profound celebration of union with Him.

    • Jesus understands our suffering but assures us it is not the end.

  • Building the Kingdom Through Celebration:

    • We are called to practice celebration as part of our spiritual rhythms.

    • Celebrate God's goodness now as a reflection of the eternal joy to come.

    • Celebrating helps us become more like Jesus and aligns us with His kingdom work.

Practical Steps to Celebrate and Engage with God

  • Prayer and Meditation:

    • Reflect on God's goodness, practicing gratitude, adoration, and anticipation of the future with Jesus.

  • Mourn to Avoid Despair:

    • It is essential to acknowledge and process pain and grief to avoid spiraling into despair.

    • Mourning with God and others allows for healing and restoration.

  • Engage in Spaces of Celebration:

    • Show up and celebrate, even when you don’t feel like it.

    • Acknowledge God's presence in life's milestones and celebrations, big or small.

    • Celebrate with others and honor God in these moments.

Church Community Celebration

  • Reflect on the past 11 years of Solid Rock Church:

    • Over 100 baptisms, training of leaders, serving the community, and partnering with other churches.

    • Affordable housing development for veterans and ongoing justice initiatives.

    • Celebrate the deep relationships and growth that have been built in the church.


  • Even in the hardest moments of the past year, God has been with us.

  • We celebrate because God is still working, and His grace sustains us.

  • Let’s respond to God's presence through communion, generosity, prayer, and singing.

Biblical References

  • Psalm 45:6-8: The throne of God and the anointing of Jesus with the oil of joy.

  • 1 Samuel 10:1: Samuel anointing Saul as king, symbolizing transformation and leadership.

  • James 5:14: Anointing the sick with oil in the name of Jesus for healing.

  • Isaiah 61:1-2: The prophecy of the Messiah bringing good news, liberty, and restoration, which Jesus fulfills.

  • Luke 4:16-21: Jesus reading from Isaiah, proclaiming His mission to bring good news, freedom, and healing.

  • Romans 8:18: Paul speaks of the future glory that far outweighs current sufferings.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances as God's will in Christ.

  • Psalm 1: Meditation on God's Word as a way to be rooted in His truth and presence.

  • Philippians 3:20-21: The promise of our transformation and future hope in Christ.

These verses emphasize the joy, healing, and restoration found in Christ and encourage reflection on His presence and work in our lives.

Reflection Questions

How has God's faithfulness been evident in your life or your church community over the past year?

  • Reflect on moments of joy, growth, or provision that you have witnessed or experienced.

What are some struggles or challenges you are currently facing, and how can you invite God into those moments of mourning?

  • Consider how acknowledging pain can lead to healing and joy in the future.

In what ways can you incorporate celebration into your spiritual life, even during difficult times?

  • Think about small or significant milestones where you can celebrate God’s presence and goodness.

How does the image of Jesus being anointed with the "oil of joy" resonate with your understanding of His ministry and your role as a disciple?

  • Reflect on how joy and celebration are spiritual acts that align with God’s kingdom.

What are some practical steps you can take this week to engage in both personal and communal celebration of God’s goodness?

  • Identify actions such as prayer, gratitude, or participating in church events that can help you cultivate a spirit of celebration.

Daily Activities

Monday: Reflection and Gratitude

  • Activity: Spend time reflecting on the past 11 years of your church or personal spiritual journey. Write down 3-5 moments where you’ve seen God’s faithfulness and growth in your life or community.

  • Application: Acknowledge how God has worked in your life and church community. Start your week with gratitude, thanking God for His continued presence and provision.

Tuesday: Prayer and Mourning

  • Activity: Take time today to acknowledge areas of grief or struggle in your life. Spend 10-15 minutes in prayer, bringing these before God and allowing yourself to mourn.

  • Application: Let yourself experience healing by processing your pain with God. Recognize that mourning is part of your journey and that Jesus promises joy after grief.

Wednesday: Celebrating God’s Joy

  • Activity: Plan to engage in a small celebration today—this could be celebrating a personal milestone, family time, or an answered prayer. Include a moment of reflection on Psalm 45:6-8, thanking God for the joy He gives.

  • Application: Shift your focus to God’s joy and goodness. Remember that Jesus was anointed with the “oil of joy” and that celebration is part of our spiritual life.

Thursday: Engage in Community Celebration

  • Activity: Connect with your church community today—attend a small group, call a fellow member, or participate in an event. Share a testimony or experience of God’s work in your life with someone.

  • Application: Build relationships and celebrate the impact of community. Recognize that God works through our shared experiences, and celebration is meant to be practiced together.

Friday: Meditation and Anticipation

  • Activity: Spend 15-20 minutes in prayer and meditation, focusing on the future promises of joy found in Christ. Use Philippians 3:20-21 as a guide for your meditation, and look forward to the eternal celebration with God.

  • Application: Let your hope in eternal joy sustain you through current challenges. Focus on the anticipation of God’s ultimate celebration, where suffering turns to joy, and let that perspective shape your day.


Building The Kingdom: Living as Ambassadors for Christ


Building The Kingdom: Vision Casting