When You Are in Darkness ~ Psalm 88:1-2, Psalm 88:6, Psalm 88:9, Psalm 88:12, Psalm 88:18

Landmark Baptist Santa Rosa

Pastor John Opferman

11:00 AM

October 20, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed


  • Acknowledgment of the seriousness of the message despite the tendency for morning sermons to be more uplifting.

  • The upcoming season (elections, Thanksgiving, Christmas) is joyful for some but dark for others.

  • The reality of dark times many face in life, and Psalm 88 addresses this.

  • The importance of understanding dark times and knowing how to navigate through them personally and for others.

Context of Psalm 88

  • Psalm 88 is a psalm of lament, attributed to Heman the Ezrahite.

    • Heman: Grandson of the prophet Samuel, Levite, and musician during King David's time.

    • Saw glorious times in Israel’s history but also experienced deep darkness later in life.

    • Example: The divided kingdom and impoverishment after Solomon's reign.

  • Heman’s experience of darkness reflects the spiritual and emotional struggles believers can face.

The Reality of Darkness in Life

  • Darkness as a metaphor for depression and despair (Psalm 88:6).

    • Darkness engulfs those going through hard times, making it difficult to see hope or God's work.

  • Effects of Darkness:

    • Spiritual Blindness: Unable to see God's wonders (Psalm 88:12).

      • God's works and answers to prayer seem hidden.

      • Even the beauty of creation and life’s blessings are obscured.

    • Sense of Righteousness Lost: God's justice and goodness seem far away (Psalm 88:12).

    • Forgetfulness: In dark times, we forget God’s faithfulness and past blessings (Psalm 88:12).

    • Isolation: Darkness makes us feel alone and abandoned by friends and loved ones (Psalm 88:18).

Biblical Examples of Darkness and Depression

  • David: A man after God's own heart, but many of his psalms are filled with lament and sorrow.

  • Jeremiah: Known as the weeping prophet.

  • Moses, Elijah, Jonah: Great prophets who prayed for death in moments of despair.

  • Charles Spurgeon: The "Prince of Preachers" struggled with severe bouts of depression.

  • Jesus Christ: Known as a man of sorrows, deeply acquainted with grief.

Responding to Darkness

  • Call Upon the Lord: In the midst of darkness, turn to God in prayer (Psalm 88:9).

    • Prayer is a declaration of faith, even when it feels like God is distant.

    • God is always present, even when we can’t see Him.

  • Pray Daily: Focus on surviving the day. Don’t worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34).

    • Trust that God will provide the grace and strength needed for each day.

  • Stretch Out Your Hands in Faith: Seek God even when you can’t see Him.

    • Just like the blind, we stretch out to feel His presence, to touch Him through prayer.

    • Example: Jacob wrestling with God, refusing to let go until he received a blessing.

The Power of Prayer in Darkness

  • Faith Grows Through Prayer: As we call on God, our faith is sown and begins to grow.

  • Hope is Restored: Faith in God's presence gives birth to hope, even in the darkest moments (Romans 5:1-5).

    • Hope is the light that begins to shine through the darkness.

  • Love is Felt Again: Through persistent prayer, the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

    • We begin to feel the presence of God’s love and care, even when it was previously obscured.

What to Do During Dark Times

  • Day-by-Day Approach: Focus on making it through the current day without worrying about the future.

  • Persistence in Prayer: Keep praying even when it feels like nothing is happening.

    • Prayer will open your eyes to God’s presence and lead you out of the darkness.

  • Stretching in Faith: Reach out, trust that God is there, and hold on tightly, even when you cannot see Him.


  • The darkness many experience is not a sign of failure or lack of faith but a shared human experience, even among great men and women of God.

  • The key to surviving and overcoming darkness is to call upon the Lord daily, trusting that He is near.

  • For those who have not yet placed their faith in Christ, it is essential to be justified by faith to access the grace and presence of God.

  • For Christians, remember that even in the darkest times, God is present. Keep praying, stretching out in faith, and trusting in His love.


  • Call for believers to trust God through their dark times and hold fast in prayer.

  • Invitation for those who have never placed their faith in Christ to do so today and experience His saving grace.

Biblical References 

  • Psalm 88:1-2
    "O Lord, God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee: Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry."

  • Psalm 88:6
    "Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps."

  • Psalm 88:9
    "Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction: Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee."

  • Psalm 88:12
    "Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?"

  • Psalm 88:18
    "Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness."

  • Psalm 116:11
    "I said in my haste, All men are liars."

  • Psalm 142:4
    "I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul."

  • Matthew 6:9-11
    "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread."

  • Matthew 6:34
    "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

  • Romans 5:1
    "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

  • Romans 5:2-5
    "By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."

Reflection Questions 

  1. How do you typically respond during dark or challenging times in your life?
    Reflect on whether you tend to withdraw, seek support, or turn to God in prayer, and how this impacts your ability to cope with hardship.

  2. What are some "wonders of God" that you might overlook or fail to see when you are in a period of darkness?
    Consider moments in your life where God has been at work, even if you couldn't see it at the time. How does remembering these moments help you in times of struggle?

  3. In what ways do you stretch out your hands in faith when you cannot "see" God clearly in your circumstances?
    Think about the metaphor of stretching out in darkness to feel God's presence and how this act of faith can help you move forward.

  4. How do you approach prayer during difficult seasons—do you find it easy to pray daily, or is it a struggle?
    Reflect on the idea of persistent, daily prayer and how focusing on "just getting through today" can bring hope and peace during trials.

  5. What does it mean to you to "rejoice in hope" during tribulations, as described in Romans 5:3-5?
    How can focusing on hope in Christ change your perspective on suffering, and what practical steps can you take to build this hope in your daily life?

Daily Activities 

  1. Daily Prayer Routine

    • Activity: Set aside a specific time each day for focused prayer. Start with 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing as you go.

    • Application: This daily prayer will help you rely on God consistently, as Psalm 88:9 encourages, and develop trust in His provision for each day without worrying about the future.

  2. Gratitude Journal

    • Activity: Keep a gratitude journal where you write down three things daily that show God’s wonders in your life.

    • Application: This practice will remind you of God’s continuous work and help you combat spiritual blindness during times of darkness.

  3. Stretch Out in Faith Exercise

    • Activity: Set aside quiet time each day to sit in silence, imagining yourself reaching out to God, symbolizing trust and faith.

    • Application: This act of stretching out in faith mirrors the message in Psalm 88:9, helping you build hope in God even when His presence feels distant.

  4. Support a Friend in Darkness

    • Activity: Identify a friend who is struggling and offer support through prayer, encouragement, or simply spending time with them.

    • Application: By reaching out, you reflect Psalm 88:18's message of how isolation can impact us, and you provide a lifeline to others who feel abandoned or alone.

  5. Memorize and Meditate on Scripture

    • Activity: Memorize key verses from Psalm 88 or Romans 5:1-5 and recite them throughout the day.

    • Application: Meditating on these scriptures will reinforce God's promises of faith, hope, and love, strengthening your spirit during times of tribulation and darkness.


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