Thank God I was Forgiven, My Many Sins ~ Luke 7:36-43

Landmark Baptist Santa Rosa

Pastor John Opferman

6:00 PM

October 20, 2024

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Main Topics Discussed


  • Acknowledgement of the congregation and the setting

  • Personal anecdote about visiting the nursing home

  • Transition into the text: Luke 7:36-43

Context of the Passage

  • Jesus invited to a Pharisee's house for dinner

  • Pharisees known as religious leaders, living separated lives

  • Pharisees were seen as holy, following strict religious practices (fasting, prayer, tithing, etc.)

  • Despite their outward holiness, many Pharisees were enemies of Christ

The Woman's Entrance

  • A woman, known as a sinner, enters the Pharisee’s home

  • Cultural context: homes were often open during meals, allowing people to come and observe

  • She stands behind Jesus, weeping, and begins to wash His feet with her tears and hair

    • Washing feet: significant gesture in a dusty, sandal-wearing culture

    • Sacrifice: using her hair, a symbol of her dignity, to wipe His feet

  • She anoints Jesus' feet with expensive ointment, an intentional act of love and worship

Pharisee's Response

  • The Pharisee internally criticizes Jesus, thinking if He were truly a prophet, He would know this woman was a sinner

  • Jesus, knowing the Pharisee’s thoughts, responds with a parable

The Parable of the Two Debtors

  • One debtor owed 500 pence, the other owed 50

  • Neither could pay, and the creditor forgave both

  • Jesus asks Simon the Pharisee, “Which of them will love him most?”

    • Simon answers correctly: the one forgiven the greater debt will love more

Jesus’ Teaching on Love and Forgiveness

  • The woman’s actions are a reflection of her great love because she understood the depth of her forgiveness

  • The Pharisee, on the other hand, failed to show even basic hospitality to Jesus (no water for His feet, no kiss of greeting, no anointing oil)

  • Jesus contrasts the Pharisee’s lack of love with the woman’s overwhelming gratitude and devotion

Key Truth: Love Grows from the Awareness of Forgiveness

  • Verse 47: “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”

  • The more we realize the weight of our forgiveness, the more our love for God will grow

  • If we believe we have only been forgiven a little, we will love God very little and, in turn, do very little for Him

Application: Understanding Our Own Forgiveness

  • Personal reflection on the speaker’s own sinful past and how much God forgave

  • Challenge to the congregation: Do we realize how much we have been forgiven?

  • Even those who have lived relatively “good” lives have sinful hearts, thoughts, and imaginations that need God’s forgiveness

Illustration: Sinful Thoughts Are as Damaging as Actions

  • Example of evil thoughts (anger, jealousy, lust) and how Jesus condemned even these in the Sermon on the Mount

  • Proverbs 6:16-18: God hates a heart that devises wicked imaginations, even if the sin is not acted upon

Understanding Sin Accumulation

  • Example: A person committing one sin per week still accumulates a large number of sins over time

  • Even seemingly small sins add up, and all of us are guilty before God

Closing Invitation

  • Call to those who think they are “good people” to recognize their need for forgiveness

  • Reminder that the greatest commandment is to love God fully, and failure to do so is the most significant sin of all

  • Appeal to Christians: Reflect on how much God has forgiven you, and let that grow your love and devotion to Him

  • Invitation for anyone who needs to accept Christ’s forgiveness or rekindle their love for God

Conclusion and Prayer

  • Closing prayer asking for the truth of forgiveness and love to sink into the hearts of the listeners

  • Prayer for those who need to receive Christ and for Christians to grow in their love for God by realizing how much He has forgiven them

Biblical References 

  • Luke 7:36-43

    • Verses 36-43 form the main passage about Jesus, the Pharisee, and the woman with the alabaster box.

  • Luke 7:47

    • "Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little."

  • Matthew 15:11 (Paraphrased)

    • "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

  • Matthew 15:19 (Paraphrased)

    • "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness..."

  • Matthew 5:22

    • "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment..."

  • Proverbs 6:16-18 (Paraphrased)

    • "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations..."

  • Deuteronomy 6:5 (Paraphrased)

    • "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."

Reflection Questions

  1. How do you personally relate to the woman in Luke 7 who wept at Jesus' feet? What actions or attitudes in your life reflect a deep awareness of God’s forgiveness?

  2. In what ways do you identify with the Pharisee’s attitude of judgment towards others? How can you cultivate more compassion and grace for people who may seem outwardly different or less "holy"?

  3. Jesus says that those who are forgiven much, love much. How aware are you of your own need for God’s forgiveness, and how does that awareness influence your love and service to Him?

  4. Reflect on the idea that sinful thoughts are as damaging as sinful actions. How does this challenge your view of sin, and what steps can you take to guard your heart and mind against harmful thoughts?

  5. The Pharisee failed to show basic hospitality to Jesus, while the woman went above and beyond in her love. How can you express your love for God in your everyday actions, even in seemingly small or routine ways?

Daily Activities

1. Personal Reflection and Prayer Journal

  • Activity: Set aside 15-20 minutes each day for the next week to reflect on the depth of your own forgiveness.

  • Application: Write down the specific ways God has forgiven you, including both actions and thoughts. End each reflection with a prayer of gratitude, asking God to help you grow in love for Him based on the realization of His grace in your life.

2. Acts of Gratitude and Love

  • Activity: Find a way to show extravagant love and gratitude toward God through an offering of time, resources, or worship.

  • Application: Make it something that reflects sacrifice and devotion, symbolizing your gratitude for His forgiveness, just like the woman with the alabaster box.

3. Forgiveness Challenge

  • Activity: Identify someone in your life who has wronged you, or someone toward whom you hold resentment.

  • Application: Make a conscious decision to forgive them as you have been forgiven, whether through a letter, a phone call, or releasing the bitterness in prayer.

4. Gratitude Walk

  • Activity: Take a daily walk for the next week, dedicating the entire walk to expressing gratitude for how much God has forgiven you.

  • Application: During the walk, pray aloud or quietly reflect on the ways God's grace has impacted your life and how that can inspire you to love more.

5. Serve Others with Humility

  • Activity: Find a tangible way to serve someone this week, particularly those society may overlook (homeless, elderly, or marginalized).

  • Application: Do it with a spirit of humility and love, remembering the woman’s humble act of service to Jesus and reflecting His love through your actions.


When You Are in Darkness ~ Psalm 88:1-2, Psalm 88:6, Psalm 88:9, Psalm 88:12, Psalm 88:18